IdGamma version 1.2 beta Contents Section 1 *** introduction Section 2 *** Installation Section 3 *** running the program Section 4 *** recommendations Section 5 *** known problems Section 6 *** Version Differences Section 7 *** disclaimer Section 8 *** credits and e-mail Section 1 *** Introduction --------------------------- -IdGamma was written and tested for quake 1, quake 2 and Hexen2 -At the moment, the Nvidia OpenGL Beta 2 drivers do support Gamma correction, but the quality of the textures in QLQuake drops rapidly as the brightness is increased. -This program simply replaces the original ID palettes with brighter colors. No files are modified, a pak file is added to your pak file directory. You can set the Quake2 default intensity -Intensity: how bright everyting is 1 = ( original ) 1.4 is more bright This variable works just like the quake2 intensity command except you have added options (see allow saturation below) -gamma: how light everyting is 1 = ( original ) .9 is lighter when combined with the intensity command you can have effects like the gama setting in the non-gl versions of your id game -for quake 2 You can change the gl_modulate. (another way of making things brighter) 1=original? 2 is brighter -You can set the saturation level 1 NO saturation means that no colors are replaced with white (this option is my favorate for quake2) 2 LITTLE saturation, this means that no colors are replaced with white but blend towards white more, but also more gradually toward white (this option is best when using intensity > 2 for quake2) 3 Some saturation means only colors that are close to white get replaced with white 4 Allow saturation, when set, the intensity works exactly like the intensity variable in quake 2 -You can leave fullbright colors alone (fullbrights are colors that are bright no matter what the lighting level is) (examples of fullbrights are explosions and fire) (for quake 2 fullbrights are now only colors used in fire & explosions) (I added option this because when using a Gamma > 1.7 some fullbrights can become pale) -By trying different values you should be able to get your id game to look just the way you want! See Optimal settings in section 4 (recomendations) below -This program was optimized using a PCI viper v330 Riva 128 with official nvidia beta 2 release drivers, under windows 95 Section 2 *** Installation: --------------------------- -unzip "" into the directory containing your pak files. example directories are "C:\QUAKE\ID1" "C:\HEXEN2\DATA1" "C:\QUAKE2\BASEQ2" -create a shortcut on your desktop to IdGamma.exe ( this is so you can try different values quickly ) Section 3 *** Running the program: --------------------------- -use the shortcut created, or at the dos prompt, type idgamma -The program prompts you for the variables and shows you the last values you used see section 1 introduction and section 4 Recommendations for details on variables above for details on operation. -You must reload the first map in quake 1 and Hexen 2 (see section 6 problems for details) Section 4 *** Recommendations --------------------------- -Try using the default settings first, then adjust 1 variable at a time to look at the differences - check out web my web site for Ideal configurations (updated often) -in quake2 a gamma of 8 reduces color distortion (green spots on your hand with blaster) (this gamma should stay around 8, no matter what else you set) - Allow saturation If you want to optimize for skin tones, set saturation to 1 or saturation 2 (quake 2) If you want to optimize for the sky in quake 1, set saturation to 4 Saturation of 3 is a compromize between the two levels. Section 5 *** How this program works. --------------------------- -Idgamma creates a pak file in your pak file directory (ID1 for quake, Baseq2 for quake2, and data1 for hexen2) This pak file contains a modified palette that is read by your game each time it is loaded. -Palett.lmp consists of 256 colors, each color has 1 byte for Red, 1 byte for green, and 1 byte for blue each byte goes from 0 to 255 0 is darkest and 255 is lightest -from here on r stands for red g stands for green and b stands for blue so rgb means red green blue -Intensity makes everything brighter the rgb values are multiplied by intensity Intensity of 1.4 makes every thing 1.4 times as bright a good range of values would be between 1.4 & 2 -gamma makes things lighter by adding white to each color good values are between 0.8 and 1 -this program was written in dos basic, IdGamma.BAS and uncommented source code is included in Section 6 *** Known Problems. --------------------------- -every time you start glquake of glhexen you must reload the first map you use to get a brighter picture, this problem is especially annoying when running glquakeworld. Section 7 *** Version Differences --------------------------- Version 1.2 17-May-1998 Added Idgamma_faq.txt to zip file Explosions now brighter. Replaced option 1 (allow some saturation a) with (allow no saturation). Improved algorithm for grey colors in Allow saturation options 1 and 2 Added ability to read external file for Optimal inputs (can be downloaded separately) Improved in user interface Added command line so that you can automatically load optimal settings without user inputs. it Now directly modifies Ref_gl.dll, config.cfg and autoexec.cfg files. Version 1.1 9-May-1998 Added optimized algorithm for intensity > 2 (inserted option 2 of allow saturation) For quake2, fullbrights now only include colors used in flames & explosions. Eliminated bug when entering 1 for intensity, caused program to fail Thanks to voodoovixen for pointing this out. Version 1 8-May-1998 Before version 1, I had a limeted use utility called palette that worked for glquake only. It worked fairly well, but was hard to use. Section 8 *** Disclamer, Credits and e-mail: --------------------------- -Usage of the this archive is at your own risk. I accept NO responsibility for any form of damage or lost files incurred through the usage of this archive. Section 8 *** Credits and e-mail: --------------------------- My thanks to the following: Nvidia for the great but annoying Riva128 I shouldn't complain, I bought the card for 2d ;) Tom of Tom's Hardware Guide for his "Mr Ugly" review ID for Quake Thanks also go to those of you who gave me suggestions for this version. And especially Wynsen Vlagsma ( for giving me the idea of changing palette ) and for various posts under the name StaTaQue Look for me on the riva discussion boards. Bill